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Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm is a quantum realization of Ritz’s variational method.
A more lengthy explanation is given by Michał Stęchły. Here I will just work out how it operates.
Ising hamiltonians are the easiest to map to quantum circuits and learning how to encode them will help us with more complicated hamiltonians.
using LinearAlgebra: I, tr
# Computational basis
𝟎 = [1,0]
𝟏 = [0,1]
X = [0 1; 1 0]
Z = [1 0; 0 -1] # we measure in Z basis
H = [1 1; 1 -1]/√2
p = H * 𝟎 # = |+⟩
m = H * 𝟏 # = |-⟩
Rotate qubits to measure other Pauli matrices (than $\sigma_x$)
As an example, if we measure in the Z basis its not possible to distinguish between $|+\rangle$ and $|-\rangle$.
@info "⟨+|Z|+⟩ ≈ ⟨-|Z|-⟩", p'*Z*p ≈ m'* Z*m
┌ Info: ("⟨+|Z|+⟩ ≈ ⟨-|Z|-⟩", true)
Rotating the basis in a certain way allows us to unequivocally distinguish them.
Ry(θ) = [cos(θ/2) -sin(θ/2); sin(θ/2) cos(θ/2)]
@assert Ry(π/2)*p ≈ 𝟏
@assert Ry(π/2)*m ≈ 𝟎
p_rot = Ry(-π/2)*p
m_rot = Ry(-π/2)*m
@info "⟨+|Z|Ry(-π/2)|+⟩ ≈ ⟨-|Z|Ry(-π/2)|-⟩", p_rot'*Z*p_rot ≈ m_rot'* Z*m_rot
@info "Outcome of ⟨+|Z|Ry(-π/2)|+⟩ = ", p_rot'*Z*p_rot
@info "Outcome of ⟨-|Z|Ry(-π/2)|-⟩ = ", m_rot'* Z*m_rot
┌ Info: ("⟨+|Z|Ry(-π/2)|+⟩ ≈ ⟨-|Z|Ry(-π/2)|-⟩", false)
┌ Info: ("Outcome of ⟨+|Z|Ry(-π/2)|+⟩ = ", 0.9999999999999998)
┌ Info: ("Outcome of ⟨-|Z|Ry(-π/2)|-⟩ = ", -0.9999999999999998)
The solution is to apply
- $R_y(−\pi/2)$ if Hamiltonian has $\hat{X}$
- $R_x(\pi/2)$ if Hamiltonian has $\hat{Y}$
- $I$ if Hamiltonian has $\hat{Z}$
before measurement. Consequently, the circuit will be different for each Pauli matrix.
Divide the Hamiltonian into single Pauli terms
𝓗₁ = 2Z
𝓗₂ = X
𝓗₃ = I(2)
𝓗 = 𝓗₁ + 𝓗₂ + 𝓗₃
@assert 𝓗 ≈ [3 1; 1 -1]
Initial state
We use a parametrized initial wavefunction for reasons that will be explained later but you can already guess that we will do a variational search.
# Ansatz will be Ry(θ)*𝟎
ansatz(θ) = Ry(θ)*𝟎
A circuit for each term
function vqe(θ, verbose=false)
verbose && @info "θ = $(θ[1])"
# Circuit for 𝓗₁: ψ ---[ h₁ )===
ψ = ansatz(θ[1])
h₁ = 2ψ' * Z * ψ
verbose && @info " E₁ = $h₁"
# Circuit for 𝓗₂: ψ ---[ Ry ]---[ h₂ )===
ψ = Ry(-π/2)*ansatz(θ[1])
h₂ = ψ' * Z * ψ
verbose && @info " E₂ = $h₂"
# Circuit for 𝓗₃:
h₃ = 1
verbose && @info " E₃ = $h₃"
verbose && @info " ⟨ψ($θ[1])|𝓗|ψ($θ[1])⟩ = $(h₁ + h₂ + h₃)"
h₁ + h₂ + h₃
For two single parameter values we have
┌ Info: θ = 0
┌ Info: E₁ = 2.0
┌ Info: E₂ = 2.220446049250313e-16
┌ Info: E₃ = 1
┌ Info: ⟨ψ([0][1])|𝓗|ψ([0][1])⟩ = 3.0
┌ Info: θ = π
┌ Info: E₁ = -2.0
┌ Info: E₂ = -2.220446049250313e-16
┌ Info: E₃ = 1
┌ Info: ⟨ψ([π][1])|𝓗|ψ([π][1])⟩ = -1.0
using Optim
result = optimize(vqe, [0.0], BFGS())
* Status: success
* Candidate solution
Final objective value: -1.236068e+00
* Found with
Algorithm: BFGS
* Convergence measures
|x - x'| = 6.65e-06 ≰ 0.0e+00
|x - x'|/|x'| = 2.48e-06 ≰ 0.0e+00
|f(x) - f(x')| = 4.94e-11 ≰ 0.0e+00
|f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 4.00e-11 ≰ 0.0e+00
|g(x)| = 1.37e-11 ≤ 1.0e-08
* Work counters
Seconds run: 0 (vs limit Inf)
Iterations: 4
f(x) calls: 10
∇f(x) calls: 10
θ_opt = Optim.minimizer(result)[1]
energy_opt = Optim.minimum(result)
@info "VQE: θ* = $θ_opt, E* = $energy_opt"
┌ Info: VQE: θ* = -2.6779450445907376, E* = -1.2360679774997898
More advanced hamiltonians
Fermionic operators can be transformed into Ising-type hamiltonians in several ways. The most common are the Jordan-Wigner and Bravyi-Kitaev transformations.
In this example we only had a single qubit but it can be extended to multiple qubits.